
232 lines
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2019-10-21 08:18:17 +00:00
# frozen_string_literal: true
require "erb"
require "set"
require "enumerator"
require "stringio"
require "rbconfig"
require "uri"
require "thread"
require "pathname"
# A module containing various useful functions.
module SassC::Util
extend self
# An array of ints representing the Ruby version number.
# @api public
RUBY_VERSION_COMPONENTS = RUBY_VERSION.split(".").map {|s| s.to_i}
# The Ruby engine we're running under. Defaults to `"ruby"`
# if the top-level constant is undefined.
# @api public
RUBY_ENGINE = defined?(::RUBY_ENGINE) ? ::RUBY_ENGINE : "ruby"
# Maps the keys in a hash according to a block.
# @example
# map_keys({:foo => "bar", :baz => "bang"}) {|k| k.to_s}
# #=> {"foo" => "bar", "baz" => "bang"}
# @param hash [Hash] The hash to map
# @yield [key] A block in which the keys are transformed
# @yieldparam key [Object] The key that should be mapped
# @yieldreturn [Object] The new value for the key
# @return [Hash] The mapped hash
# @see #map_vals
# @see #map_hash
def map_keys(hash)
map_hash(hash) {|k, v| [yield(k), v]}
# Restricts the numeric `value` to be within `min` and `max`, inclusive.
# If the value is lower than `min`
def clamp(value, min, max)
return min if value < min
return max if value > max
return value
# Like [Fixnum.round], but leaves rooms for slight floating-point
# differences.
# @param value [Numeric]
# @return [Numeric]
def round(value)
# If the number is within epsilon of X.5, round up (or down for negative
# numbers).
mod = value % 1
mod_is_half = (mod - 0.5).abs < SassC::Script::Value::Number.epsilon
if value > 0
!mod_is_half && mod < 0.5 ? value.floor : value.ceil
mod_is_half || mod < 0.5 ? value.floor : value.ceil
# Return an array of all possible paths through the given arrays.
# @param arrs [Array<Array>]
# @return [Array<Arrays>]
# @example
# paths([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]) #=>
# # [[1, 3, 5],
# # [2, 3, 5],
# # [1, 4, 5],
# # [2, 4, 5]]
def paths(arrs)
arrs.inject([[]]) do |paths, arr|
arr.map {|e| paths.map {|path| path + [e]}}.flatten(1)
# Returns information about the caller of the previous method.
# @param entry [String] An entry in the `#caller` list, or a similarly formatted string
# @return [[String, Integer, (String, nil)]]
# An array containing the filename, line, and method name of the caller.
# The method name may be nil
def caller_info(entry = nil)
# JRuby evaluates `caller` incorrectly when it's in an actual default argument.
entry ||= caller[1]
info = entry.scan(/^((?:[A-Za-z]:)?.*?):(-?.*?)(?::.*`(.+)')?$/).first
info[1] = info[1].to_i
# This is added by Rubinius to designate a block, but we don't care about it.
info[2].sub!(/ \{\}\Z/, '') if info[2]
# Throws a NotImplementedError for an abstract method.
# @param obj [Object] `self`
# @raise [NotImplementedError]
def abstract(obj)
raise NotImplementedError.new("#{obj.class} must implement ##{caller_info[2]}")
# Prints a deprecation warning for the caller method.
# @param obj [Object] `self`
# @param message [String] A message describing what to do instead.
def deprecated(obj, message = nil)
obj_class = obj.is_a?(Class) ? "#{obj}." : "#{obj.class}#"
full_message = "DEPRECATION WARNING: #{obj_class}#{caller_info[2]} " +
"will be removed in a future version of Sass.#{("\n" + message) if message}"
SassC::Util.sass_warn full_message
# Silences all Sass warnings within a block.
# @yield A block in which no Sass warnings will be printed
def silence_sass_warnings
old_level, Sass.logger.log_level = Sass.logger.log_level, :error
SassC.logger.log_level = old_level
# The same as `Kernel#warn`, but is silenced by \{#silence\_sass\_warnings}.
# @param msg [String]
def sass_warn(msg)
## Cross Rails Version Compatibility
# Returns the root of the Rails application,
# if this is running in a Rails context.
# Returns `nil` if no such root is defined.
# @return [String, nil]
def rails_root
if defined?(::Rails.root)
return ::Rails.root.to_s if ::Rails.root
raise "ERROR: Rails.root is nil!"
return RAILS_ROOT.to_s if defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
# Returns the environment of the Rails application,
# if this is running in a Rails context.
# Returns `nil` if no such environment is defined.
# @return [String, nil]
def rails_env
return ::Rails.env.to_s if defined?(::Rails.env)
return RAILS_ENV.to_s if defined?(RAILS_ENV)
## Cross-OS Compatibility
# These methods are cached because some of them are called quite frequently
# and even basic checks like String#== are too costly to be called repeatedly.
# Whether or not this is running on Windows.
# @return [Boolean]
def windows?
return @windows if defined?(@windows)
@windows = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|windows|mingw/i)
# Whether or not this is running on IronRuby.
# @return [Boolean]
def ironruby?
return @ironruby if defined?(@ironruby)
@ironruby = RUBY_ENGINE == "ironruby"
# Whether or not this is running on Rubinius.
# @return [Boolean]
def rbx?
return @rbx if defined?(@rbx)
@rbx = RUBY_ENGINE == "rbx"
# Whether or not this is running on JRuby.
# @return [Boolean]
def jruby?
return @jruby if defined?(@jruby)
@jruby = RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/
# Returns an array of ints representing the JRuby version number.
# @return [Array<Integer>]
def jruby_version
@jruby_version ||= ::JRUBY_VERSION.split(".").map {|s| s.to_i}
# Returns `path` relative to `from`.
# This is like `Pathname#relative_path_from` except it accepts both strings
# and pathnames, it handles Windows path separators correctly, and it throws
# an error rather than crashing if the paths use different encodings
# (https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/713).
# @param path [String, Pathname]
# @param from [String, Pathname]
# @return [Pathname?]
def relative_path_from(path, from)
rescue NoMethodError => e
raise e unless e.name == :zero?
# Work around https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/713.
path = path.to_s
from = from.to_s
raise ArgumentError("Incompatible path encodings: #{path.inspect} is #{path.encoding}, " +
"#{from.inspect} is #{from.encoding}")
singleton_methods.each {|method| module_function method}