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2019-10-21 08:18:17 +00:00
with Ada.Directories;
with Ada.Direct_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Extra_IO.Read_File (Name : String) is
package Dirs renames Ada.Directories;
package Text_IO renames Ada.Text_IO;
-- Get the size of the file for a new string.
Size : Natural := Natural (Dirs.Size (Name));
subtype File_String is String (1 .. Size);
-- Instantiate Direct_IO for our file type.
package FIO is new Ada.Direct_IO (File_String);
File : FIO.File_Type;
Contents : File_String;
FIO.Open (File, FIO.In_File, Name);
FIO.Read (File, Contents);
FIO.Close (File);
Text_IO.Put (Contents);
end Extra_IO.Read_File;