diff --git a/_posts/en/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown b/_posts/en/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown index 8d9831b..d333e97 100644 --- a/_posts/en/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown +++ b/_posts/en/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown @@ -5,11 +5,9 @@ title: Live, alive and living online date: 2020-03-29 11:47:26 +0200 categories: news ref: launch-call-for-participants -lang: fr +lang: en --- -This needs translating in french or at least a sentence to say it's not available. - Voila - we're live, alive and living online. Clearly a lot has changed since we first started discussing and preparing this event and it sure feels like a very odd time to be preparing an event but hear us out about why we feel - now more than ever - this is the right moment. In the past few weeks more has taken place than in some years - or at least that's how it feels - and that's off the heels of an eventful few years. The prospect of the the biggest economic recession ever has forced into view proposals of universal basic income. Rapid de-employment has led to proposals of rent strikes and leftist modes of organisation such as mutual aid are going mainstream. Reduced human activity has led to cleaner air making space for nature to recover, demonstrating what might be possible to achieve with a general climate strike or a move towards a degrowth model. On the other hand police forces the world over have been handed new surveillance powers in an attempt to keep the virus from spreading, powers that will likely go on long after we've seen the back of it and the worlds richest hide away in gilded bunkers whilst profiteering and exploiting as ever. Perhaps, the other side of this pandemic the world has a chance to rebuild something different to what we had before, but in any case we will need to fight twice as hard as ever to ensure it's edges more towards utopia than it's current collapse-dystopia trajectory. We hope this event will assemble a diverse range of thinkers and creators on the left to discuss, propose, organise and form new connections to give us the best chance. diff --git a/_posts/fr/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown b/_posts/fr/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown index d333e97..43a720b 100644 --- a/_posts/fr/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown +++ b/_posts/fr/2020-03-29-launch-call.markdown @@ -5,13 +5,34 @@ title: Live, alive and living online date: 2020-03-29 11:47:26 +0200 categories: news ref: launch-call-for-participants -lang: en +lang: fr --- +Ça y est, nous voilà lancé·e·x·s sur les internets. La situation a bien changé depuis que nous avons commencé à discuter de l'idée de cet événement et commencé à l'organiser. Cette période peut naturellement paraître étrange pour un tel projet, mais voici pourquoi nous pensons qu'il est, maintenant plus que jamais, nécessaire que cet événement ait lieu. + +Ces dernières semaines ont été bien plus mouvementées que ces dernières années – c'est en tout cas l'impression qu'on peut en avoir. Cette tendance nous promet un avenir tumultueux. La perspective d'une récession économique sans précédent a remis d'actualité le débat sur un revenu de base. La vague de licenciements a entrainé et a diffusé des idées radicales telles que les grèves des loyers et nombre d'iniatives et de modes d'organisations solidaires dans l'imaginaire commun. L'activité économique réduite a donné un instant de répit à la nature qui peut nous donner une idée du champ des possibles atteignables par les actions des grèves pour le climat et par une décroissance économique. + +Mais ces effets souhaitables sont égalament assortis et largement contrebalancés par l'élargissement de l'arsenal policier de surveillance et de la marge de manoeuvre qui leur est donnée dans la tentative de contrôle de la propagation du virus. Comme il est d'usage avec les mesures d'urgence prises en réponse à des crises, les moyens deployés resteront probablement en place une fois la crise passée. Tout cela se produit tandis que les plus privilégié·e·x·s se réfugient dans leurs bunkers dorés tout en continuant de profiter et d'exploiter les autres et l'environnement. + +Peut-être sera-t-il possible pour le monde, à l'aube de la fin de cette pandémie mondiale, de se reconstruire différemment. Pour ce faire, il nous faudra redoubler d'énergie et de détermination afin de diriger la reconstruction vers une utopie plutôt que de continuer dans la trajectoire actuelle menant à la dystopie et l'effondrement. Nous espérons de tout notre coeur que cet événement rassemblera nombre de penseur·euse·x·s et de créateur·ice·x·s divers·e·x·s, afin de d'échanger, débattre, proposer, s'organiser, et former de nouvelles connexions pour augmenter les chances d'un avenir aux airs utopiques. + +La préparation de ce site et de notre appel à propositions a été un plaisir, nous sommes enfin prêt·e·x·s à recevoir vos propositons. On a hâte de vous lire ! + +Le voici [reclaimfutures.org](https://reclaimfutures.org/fr/) + + +{% comment %} + Voila - we're live, alive and living online. Clearly a lot has changed since we first started discussing and preparing this event and it sure feels like a very odd time to be preparing an event but hear us out about why we feel - now more than ever - this is the right moment. -In the past few weeks more has taken place than in some years - or at least that's how it feels - and that's off the heels of an eventful few years. The prospect of the the biggest economic recession ever has forced into view proposals of universal basic income. Rapid de-employment has led to proposals of rent strikes and leftist modes of organisation such as mutual aid are going mainstream. Reduced human activity has led to cleaner air making space for nature to recover, demonstrating what might be possible to achieve with a general climate strike or a move towards a degrowth model. On the other hand police forces the world over have been handed new surveillance powers in an attempt to keep the virus from spreading, powers that will likely go on long after we've seen the back of it and the worlds richest hide away in gilded bunkers whilst profiteering and exploiting as ever. Perhaps, the other side of this pandemic the world has a chance to rebuild something different to what we had before, but in any case we will need to fight twice as hard as ever to ensure it's edges more towards utopia than it's current collapse-dystopia trajectory. We hope this event will assemble a diverse range of thinkers and creators on the left to discuss, propose, organise and form new connections to give us the best chance. +In the past few weeks more has taken place than in some years - or at least that's how it feels - and that's off the heels of an eventful few years. The prospect of the the biggest economic recession ever has forced into view proposals of universal basic income. Rapid de-employment has led to proposals of rent strikes and leftist modes of organisation such as mutual aid are going mainstream. Reduced human activity has led to cleaner air making space for nature to recover, demonstrating what might be possible to achieve with a general climate strike or a move towards a degrowth model. + +On the other hand police forces the world over have been handed new surveillance powers in an attempt to keep the virus from spreading, powers that will likely go on long after we've seen the back of it and the worlds richest hide away in gilded bunkers whilst profiteering and exploiting as ever. + +Perhaps, the other side of this pandemic the world has a chance to rebuild something different to what we had before, but in any case we will need to fight twice as hard as ever to ensure it's edges more towards utopia than it's current collapse-dystopia trajectory. We hope this event will assemble a diverse range of thinkers and creators on the left to discuss, propose, organise and form new connections to give us the best chance. Well, it's been a great pleasure preparing this website and call for proposals and we're finally open and taking submissions! We look forward to reading them! -Here it is: [reclaimfutures.org](https://reclaimfutures.org) \ No newline at end of file +Here it is: [reclaimfutures.org](https://reclaimfutures.org) + +{% endcomment %} \ No newline at end of file