kind: pipeline name: default steps: - name: Build jekyll image: jekyll/jekyll:latest commands: - "JEKYLL_ENV=production jekyll build" - name: Build parcel image: node:lts commands: - yarn - "npx parcel build src/index.js -d ./_site/assets/js" volumes: - name: cache path: /drone/src/node_modules - name: Deploy to staging image: drillster/drone-rsync settings: settings: user: from_secret: shikoku_ssh_user key: from_secret: shikoku_ssh_key hosts: from_secret: shikoku_hostname source: ./public/* target: ~/sites/ port: from_secret: shikoku_ssh_port secrets: [shikoku_ssh_key, shikoku_hostname, shikoku_ssh_user, shikoku_ssh_port] when: branch: - dev event: - push - custom - name: Deploy to production image: drillster/drone-rsync settings: settings: user: from_secret: shikoku_ssh_user key: from_secret: shikoku_ssh_key hosts: from_secret: shikoku_hostname source: ./public/* target: ~/sites/ port: from_secret: shikoku_ssh_port secrets: [shikoku_ssh_key, shikoku_hostname, shikoku_ssh_user, shikoku_ssh_port] when: branch: - main event: - push - custom volumes: - name: cache host: path: /tmp/drone/cache/node_modules