module EventMachine module WebSocket class << self attr_accessor :max_frame_size attr_accessor :close_timeout end @max_frame_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10MB # Connections are given 60s to close after being sent a close handshake @close_timeout = 60 # All errors raised by em-websocket should descend from this class class WebSocketError < RuntimeError; end # Used for errors that occur during WebSocket handshake class HandshakeError < WebSocketError; end # Used for errors which should cause the connection to close. # See RFC6455 ยง7.4.1 for a full description of meanings class WSProtocolError < WebSocketError def code; 1002; end end class InvalidDataError < WSProtocolError def code; 1007; end end # 1009: Message too big to process class WSMessageTooBigError < WSProtocolError def code; 1009; end end # Start WebSocket server, including starting eventmachine run loop def self.start(options, &blk) EM.epoll { trap("TERM") { stop } trap("INT") { stop } run(options, &blk) } end # Start WebSocket server inside eventmachine run loop def host, port = options.values_at(:host, :port) EM.start_server(host, port, Connection, options) do |c| yield c end end def self.stop puts "Terminating WebSocket Server" EM.stop end end end