import math,strutils proc fixedWidth(input: string, minFieldSize: int):string {.inline.} = # Note that field size is a minimum- will expand field if input # string is larger if input.startsWith("-"): return(input & repeatchar(count=(abs(minFieldSize-len(input))),c=' ')) else: return(" " & input & repeatchar(count=(abs(minFieldSize-len(input))-1),c=' ')) template mathOnInterval(lowbound,highbound:float,counts: int,p:proc) = block: var step: float = (highbound - lowbound)/(max(counts,1)) var current: float = lowbound while current < highbound: echo($fixedWidth($current,25) & ": " & $fixedWidth($p(current),25)) current += step echo "Sine of theta from 0 to 2*PI by PI/12" mathOnInterval(0.0,2.0*PI,12,sin) echo("\n") echo "Cosine of theta from 0 to 2*PI by PI/12" mathOnInterval(0.0,2.0*PI,12,cos) # The first example above is much the same as: # for i in 1..100: # echo($sin( (float(i)/100.0) * 2.0*PI ))