module EventMachine # Streams a file over a given connection. Streaming begins once the object is # instantiated. Typically FileStreamer instances are not reused. # # Streaming uses buffering for files larger than 16K and uses so-called fast file reader (a C++ extension) # if available (it is part of eventmachine gem itself). # # @example # # module FileSender # def post_init # streamer =, '/tmp/bigfile.tar') # streamer.callback{ # # file was sent successfully # close_connection_after_writing # } # end # end # # # @author Francis Cianfrocca class FileStreamer include Deferrable # Use mapped streamer for files bigger than 16k MappingThreshold = 16384 # Wait until next tick to send more data when 50k is still in the outgoing buffer BackpressureLevel = 50000 # Send 16k chunks at a time ChunkSize = 16384 # @param [EventMachine::Connection] connection # @param [String] filename File path # # @option args [Boolean] :http_chunks (false) Use HTTP 1.1 style chunked-encoding semantics. def initialize connection, filename, args = {} @connection = connection @http_chunks = args[:http_chunks] if File.exist?(filename) @size = File.size(filename) if @size <= MappingThreshold stream_without_mapping filename else stream_with_mapping filename end else fail "file not found" end end # @private def stream_without_mapping filename if @http_chunks @connection.send_data "#{@size.to_s(16)}\r\n" @connection.send_file_data filename @connection.send_data "\r\n0\r\n\r\n" else @connection.send_file_data filename end succeed end private :stream_without_mapping # @private def stream_with_mapping filename ensure_mapping_extension_is_present @position = 0 @mapping = filename stream_one_chunk end private :stream_with_mapping # Used internally to stream one chunk at a time over multiple reactor ticks # @private def stream_one_chunk loop { if @position < @size if @connection.get_outbound_data_size > BackpressureLevel EventMachine::next_tick {stream_one_chunk} break else len = @size - @position len = ChunkSize if (len > ChunkSize) @connection.send_data( "#{len.to_s(16)}\r\n" ) if @http_chunks @connection.send_data( @mapping.get_chunk( @position, len )) @connection.send_data("\r\n") if @http_chunks @position += len end else @connection.send_data "0\r\n\r\n" if @http_chunks @mapping.close succeed break end } end # # We use an outboard extension class to get memory-mapped files. # It's outboard to avoid polluting the core distro, but that means # there's a "hidden" dependency on it. The first time we get here in # any run, try to load up the dependency extension. User code will see # a LoadError if it's not available, but code that doesn't require # mapped files will work fine without it. This is a somewhat difficult # compromise between usability and proper modularization. # # @private def ensure_mapping_extension_is_present @@fastfilereader ||= (require 'fastfilereaderext') end private :ensure_mapping_extension_is_present end # FileStreamer end # EventMachine