require 'em_test_helper' class TestPause < Test::Unit::TestCase if EM.respond_to? :pause_connection def setup @port = next_port end def teardown assert(!EM.reactor_running?) end def test_pause_resume server = nil s_rx = c_rx = 0 test_server = do define_method :post_init do server = self end define_method :receive_data do |data| s_rx += 1 EM.add_periodic_timer(0.01) { send_data 'hi' } send_data 'hi' # pause server, now no outgoing data will actually # be sent and no more incoming data will be received pause end end test_client = do def post_init EM.add_periodic_timer(0.01) do send_data 'hello' end end define_method :receive_data do |data| c_rx += 1 end end do EM.start_server "", @port, test_server EM.connect "", @port, test_client EM.add_timer(0.05) do assert_equal 1, s_rx assert_equal 0, c_rx assert server.paused? # resume server, queued outgoing and incoming data will be flushed server.resume assert !server.paused? EM.add_timer(0.05) do assert server.paused? assert s_rx > 1 assert c_rx > 0 EM.stop end end end end def test_pause_in_receive_data incoming = [] test_server = do define_method(:receive_data) do |data| incoming << data pause EM.add_timer(0.5){ close_connection } end define_method(:unbind) do EM.stop end end buf = 'a' * 1024 do EM.start_server "", @port, test_server cli = EM.connect "", @port 128.times do cli.send_data buf end end assert_equal 1, incoming.size assert incoming[0].bytesize > buf.bytesize assert incoming[0].bytesize < buf.bytesize * 128 end else warn "EM.pause_connection not implemented, skipping tests in #{__FILE__}" # Because some rubies will complain if a TestCase class has no tests def test_em_pause_connection_not_implemented assert true end end end