require 'em_test_helper' class TestSASL < Test::Unit::TestCase # SASL authentication is usually done with UNIX-domain sockets, but # we'll use TCP so this test will work on Windows. As far as the # protocol handlers are concerned, there's no difference. TestUser,TestPsw = "someone", "password" class SaslServer < EM::Connection include EM::Protocols::SASLauth def validate usr, psw, sys, realm usr == TestUser and psw == TestPsw end end class SaslClient < EM::Connection include EM::Protocols::SASLauthclient end def setup @port = next_port end def test_sasl resp = nil { EM.start_server( "", @port, SaslServer ) c = EM.connect( "", @port, SaslClient ) d = c.validate?( TestUser, TestPsw ) d.timeout 1 d.callback { resp = true EM.stop } d.errback { resp = false EM.stop } } assert_equal( true, resp ) end end