require 'ffi' module PTY private module LibC extend FFI::Library ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC attach_function :forkpty, [ :buffer_out, :buffer_out, :buffer_in, :buffer_in ], :int attach_function :openpty, [ :buffer_out, :buffer_out, :buffer_out, :buffer_in, :buffer_in ], :int attach_function :login_tty, [ :int ], :int attach_function :close, [ :int ], :int attach_function :strerror, [ :int ], :string attach_function :fork, [], :int attach_function :execv, [ :string, :buffer_in ], :int attach_function :execvp, [ :string, :buffer_in ], :int attach_function :dup2, [ :int, :int ], :int attach_function :dup, [ :int ], :int end Buffer = FFI::Buffer def self.build_args(args) cmd = args.shift cmd_args = do |arg| MemoryPointer.from_string(arg) end exec_args =, 1 + cmd_args.length + 1) exec_cmd = MemoryPointer.from_string(cmd) exec_args[0].put_pointer(0, exec_cmd) cmd_args.each_with_index do |arg, i| exec_args[i + 1].put_pointer(0, arg) end [ cmd, exec_args ] end public def self.getpty(*args) mfdp = :int name = 1024 # # All the execv setup is done in the parent, since doing anything other than # execv in the child after fork is really flakey # exec_cmd, exec_args = build_args(args) pid = LibC.forkpty(mfdp, name, nil, nil) raise "forkpty failed: #{LibC.strerror(FFI.errno)}" if pid < 0 if pid == 0 LibC.execvp(exec_cmd, exec_args) exit 1 end masterfd = mfdp.get_int(0) rfp = FFI::IO.for_fd(masterfd, "r") wfp = FFI::IO.for_fd(LibC.dup(masterfd), "w") if block_given? yield rfp, wfp, pid rfp.close unless rfp.closed? wfp.close unless wfp.closed? else [ rfp, wfp, pid ] end end def self.spawn(*args, &block) self.getpty("/bin/sh", "-c", args[0], &block) end end module LibC extend FFI::Library attach_function :close, [ :int ], :int attach_function :write, [ :int, :buffer_in, :ulong ], :long attach_function :read, [ :int, :buffer_out, :ulong ], :long end PTY.getpty("/bin/ls", "-alR", "/") { |rfd, wfd, pid| #PTY.spawn("ls -laR /") { |rfd, wfd, pid| puts "child pid=#{pid}" while !rfd.eof? && (buf = rfd.gets) puts "child: '#{buf.strip}'" end }