module Liquid class VariableLookup SQUARE_BRACKETED = /\A\[(.*)\]\z/m COMMAND_METHODS = ['size'.freeze, 'first'.freeze, 'last'.freeze].freeze attr_reader :name, :lookups def self.parse(markup) new(markup) end def initialize(markup) lookups = markup.scan(VariableParser) name = lookups.shift if name =~ SQUARE_BRACKETED name = Expression.parse($1) end @name = name @lookups = lookups @command_flags = 0 @lookups.each_index do |i| lookup = lookups[i] if lookup =~ SQUARE_BRACKETED lookups[i] = Expression.parse($1) elsif COMMAND_METHODS.include?(lookup) @command_flags |= 1 << i end end end def evaluate(context) name = context.evaluate(@name) object = context.find_variable(name) @lookups.each_index do |i| key = context.evaluate(@lookups[i]) # If object is a hash- or array-like object we look for the # presence of the key and if its available we return it if object.respond_to?(:[]) && ((object.respond_to?(:key?) && object.key?(key)) || (object.respond_to?(:fetch) && key.is_a?(Integer))) # if its a proc we will replace the entry with the proc res = context.lookup_and_evaluate(object, key) object = res.to_liquid # Some special cases. If the part wasn't in square brackets and # no key with the same name was found we interpret following calls # as commands and call them on the current object elsif @command_flags & (1 << i) != 0 && object.respond_to?(key) object = object.send(key).to_liquid # No key was present with the desired value and it wasn't one of the directly supported # keywords either. The only thing we got left is to return nil or # raise an exception if `strict_variables` option is set to true else return nil unless context.strict_variables raise Liquid::UndefinedVariable, "undefined variable #{key}" end # If we are dealing with a drop here we have to object.context = context if object.respond_to?(:context=) end object end def ==(other) self.class == other.class && state == other.state end protected def state [@name, @lookups, @command_flags] end class ParseTreeVisitor < Liquid::ParseTreeVisitor def children @node.lookups end end end end