module Terminal class Table # A Style object holds all the formatting information for a Table object # # To create a table with a certain style, use either the constructor # option :style, the Table#style object or the Table#style= method # # All these examples have the same effect: # # # by constructor # @table = => {:padding_left => 2, :width => 40}) # # # by object # = 2 # = 40 # # # by method # = {:padding_left => 2, :width => 40} # # To set a default style for all tables created afterwards use Style.defaults= # # Terminal::Table::Style.defaults = {:width => 80} # class Style @@defaults = { :border_x => "-", :border_y => "|", :border_i => "+", :border_top => true, :border_bottom => true, :padding_left => 1, :padding_right => 1, :margin_left => '', :width => nil, :alignment => nil, :all_separators => false } attr_accessor :border_x attr_accessor :border_y attr_accessor :border_i attr_accessor :border_top attr_accessor :border_bottom attr_accessor :padding_left attr_accessor :padding_right attr_accessor :margin_left attr_accessor :width attr_accessor :alignment attr_accessor :all_separators def initialize options = {} apply self.class.defaults.merge(options) end def apply options options.each { |m, v| __send__ "#{m}=", v } end class << self def defaults @@defaults end def defaults= options @@defaults = defaults.merge(options) end end def on_change attr method_name = :"#{attr}=" old_method = method method_name define_singleton_method(method_name) do |value| value yield attr.to_sym, value end end end end end