# frozen_string_literal: true module Jekyll class Command class << self # A list of subclasses of Jekyll::Command def subclasses @subclasses ||= [] end # Keep a list of subclasses of Jekyll::Command every time it's inherited # Called automatically. # # base - the subclass # # Returns nothing def inherited(base) subclasses << base super(base) end # Run Site#process and catch errors # # site - the Jekyll::Site object # # Returns nothing def process_site(site) site.process rescue Jekyll::Errors::FatalException => e Jekyll.logger.error "ERROR:", "YOUR SITE COULD NOT BE BUILT:" Jekyll.logger.error "", "------------------------------------" Jekyll.logger.error "", e.message exit(1) end # Create a full Jekyll configuration with the options passed in as overrides # # options - the configuration overrides # # Returns a full Jekyll configuration def configuration_from_options(options) return options if options.is_a?(Jekyll::Configuration) Jekyll.configuration(options) end # Add common options to a command for building configuration # # cmd - the Jekyll::Command to add these options to # # Returns nothing # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def add_build_options(cmd) cmd.option "config", "--config CONFIG_FILE[,CONFIG_FILE2,...]", Array, "Custom configuration file" cmd.option "destination", "-d", "--destination DESTINATION", "The current folder will be generated into DESTINATION" cmd.option "source", "-s", "--source SOURCE", "Custom source directory" cmd.option "future", "--future", "Publishes posts with a future date" cmd.option "limit_posts", "--limit_posts MAX_POSTS", Integer, "Limits the number of posts to parse and publish" cmd.option "watch", "-w", "--[no-]watch", "Watch for changes and rebuild" cmd.option "baseurl", "-b", "--baseurl URL", "Serve the website from the given base URL" cmd.option "force_polling", "--force_polling", "Force watch to use polling" cmd.option "lsi", "--lsi", "Use LSI for improved related posts" cmd.option "show_drafts", "-D", "--drafts", "Render posts in the _drafts folder" cmd.option "unpublished", "--unpublished", "Render posts that were marked as unpublished" cmd.option "quiet", "-q", "--quiet", "Silence output." cmd.option "verbose", "-V", "--verbose", "Print verbose output." cmd.option "incremental", "-I", "--incremental", "Enable incremental rebuild." cmd.option "strict_front_matter", "--strict_front_matter", "Fail if errors are present in front matter" end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # Run ::process method in a given set of Jekyll::Command subclasses and suggest # re-running the associated command with --trace switch to obtain any additional # information or backtrace regarding the encountered Exception. # # cmd - the Jekyll::Command to be handled # options - configuration overrides # klass - an array of Jekyll::Command subclasses associated with the command # # Note that all exceptions are rescued.. # rubocop: disable RescueException def process_with_graceful_fail(cmd, options, *klass) klass.each { |k| k.process(options) if k.respond_to?(:process) } rescue Exception => e raise e if cmd.trace msg = " Please append `--trace` to the `#{cmd.name}` command " dashes = "-" * msg.length Jekyll.logger.error "", dashes Jekyll.logger.error "Jekyll #{Jekyll::VERSION} ", msg Jekyll.logger.error "", " for any additional information or backtrace. " Jekyll.logger.abort_with "", dashes end # rubocop: enable RescueException end end end