module Terminal class Table class Row ## # Row cells attr_reader :cells attr_reader :table ## # Initialize with _width_ and _options_. def initialize table, array = [] @cell_index = 0 @table = table @cells = [] array.each { |item| self << item } end def add_cell item options = item.is_a?(Hash) ? item : {:value => item} cell = => @cell_index, :table => @table)) @cell_index += cell.colspan @cells << cell end alias << add_cell def [] index cells[index] end def height { |c| c.lines.count }.max || 0 end def render y = (0...height) do |line| y + do |cell| cell.render(line) end.join(y) + y end.join("\n") end def number_of_columns @cells.collect(&:colspan).inject(0, &:+) end end end end