2019-10-21 10:18:17 +02:00

291 lines
13 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Rouge
module Lexers
class Julia < RegexLexer
title "Julia"
desc "The Julia programming language"
tag 'julia'
aliases 'jl'
filenames '*.jl'
mimetypes 'text/x-julia', 'application/x-julia'
def self.detect?(text)
return true if text.shebang? 'julia'
BUILTINS = /\b(?:
true | false | missing | nothing
| Inf | Inf16 | Inf32 | Inf64
| NaN | NaN16 | NaN32 | NaN64
| stdout | stderr | stdin | devnull
| pi | π | | im
KEYWORDS = /\b(?:
function | return | module | import | export
| if | else | elseif | end | for
| in | isa | while | try | catch
| const | local | global | using | struct
| mutable struct | abstract type | finally
| begin | do | quote | macro | for outer
| where
# NOTE: The list of types was generated automatically using the following script:
# using Pkg, InteractiveUtils
# allnames = [names(Core); names(Base, imported=true)]
# for stdlib in readdir(Pkg.Types.stdlib_dir())
# mod = Symbol(basename(stdlib))
# @eval begin
# using $mod
# append!(allnames, names($mod))
# end
# end
# sort!(unique!(allnames))
# i = 1
# for sym in allnames
# global i # needed at the top level, e.g. in the REPL
# isdefined(Main, sym) || continue
# getfield(which(Main, sym), sym) isa Type || continue
# sym === :(=>) && continue # Actually an alias for Pair
# print("| ", sym)
# i % 3 == 0 ? println() : print(" ") # print 3 to a line
# i += 1
# end
TYPES = /\b(?:
ARPACKException | AbstractArray | AbstractChannel
| AbstractChar | AbstractDict | AbstractDisplay
| AbstractFloat | AbstractIrrational | AbstractLogger
| AbstractMatrix | AbstractREPL | AbstractRNG
| AbstractRange | AbstractSerializer | AbstractSet
| AbstractSparseArray | AbstractSparseMatrix | AbstractSparseVector
| AbstractString | AbstractUnitRange | AbstractVecOrMat
| AbstractVector | AbstractWorkerPool | Adjoint
| Any | ArgumentError | Array
| AssertionError | Base64DecodePipe | Base64EncodePipe
| BasicREPL | Bidiagonal | BigFloat
| BigInt | BitArray | BitMatrix
| BitSet | BitVector | Bool
| BoundsError | BunchKaufman | CachingPool
| CapturedException | CartesianIndex | CartesianIndices
| Cchar | Cdouble | Cfloat
| Channel | Char | Cholesky
| CholeskyPivoted | Cint | Cintmax_t
| Clong | Clonglong | ClusterManager
| Cmd | Colon | Complex
| ComplexF16 | ComplexF32 | ComplexF64
| CompositeException | Condition | ConsoleLogger
| Cptrdiff_t | Cshort | Csize_t
| Cssize_t | Cstring | Cuchar
| Cuint | Cuintmax_t | Culong
| Culonglong | Cushort | Cvoid
| Cwchar_t | Cwstring | DataType
| Date | DateFormat | DatePeriod
| DateTime | Day | DenseArray
| DenseMatrix | DenseVecOrMat | DenseVector
| Diagonal | Dict | DimensionMismatch
| Dims | DivideError | DomainError
| EOFError | Eigen | Enum
| ErrorException | Exception | ExponentialBackOff
| Expr | FDWatcher | Factorization
| FileMonitor | Float16 | Float32
| Float64 | FolderMonitor | Function
| GeneralizedEigen | GeneralizedSVD | GeneralizedSchur
| GenericArray | GenericDict | GenericSet
| GenericString | GitConfig | GitRepo
| GlobalRef | HMAC_CTX | HTML
| Hermitian | Hessenberg | Hour
| IO | IOBuffer | IOContext
| IOStream | IPAddr | IPv4
| IPv6 | IdDict | IndexCartesian
| IndexLinear | IndexStyle | InexactError
| InitError | Int | Int128
| Int16 | Int32 | Int64
| Int8 | Integer | InterruptException
| InvalidStateException | Irrational | KeyError
| LAPACKException | LDLt | LQ
| LU | LinRange | LineEditREPL
| LineNumberNode | LinearIndices | LoadError
| LogLevel | LowerTriangular | MIME
| Matrix | MersenneTwister | Method
| MethodError | Microsecond | Millisecond
| Minute | Missing | MissingException
| Module | Month | NTuple
| NamedTuple | Nanosecond | Nothing
| NullLogger | Number | OrdinalRange
| OutOfMemoryError | OverflowError | PackageMode
| PackageSpec | Pair | PartialQuickSort
| Period | PermutedDimsArray | Pipe
| PollingFileWatcher | PosDefException | ProcessExitedException
| Ptr | QR | QRPivoted
| QuoteNode | RandomDevice | RankDeficientException
| Rational | RawFD | ReadOnlyMemoryError
| Real | ReentrantLock | Ref
| Regex | RegexMatch | RemoteChannel
| RemoteException | RoundingMode | SHA1_CTX
| SHA224_CTX | SHA256_CTX | SHA2_224_CTX
| SHA2_256_CTX | SHA2_384_CTX | SHA2_512_CTX
| SHA384_CTX | SHA3_224_CTX | SHA3_256_CTX
| SHA3_384_CTX | SHA3_512_CTX | SHA512_CTX
| SVD | Schur | Second
| SegmentationFault | Serializer | Set
| SharedArray | SharedMatrix | SharedVector
| Signed | SimpleLogger | SingularException
| Some | SparseMatrixCSC | SparseVector
| StackOverflowError | StepRange | StepRangeLen
| StreamREPL | StridedArray | StridedMatrix
| StridedVecOrMat | StridedVector | String
| StringIndexError | SubArray | SubString
| SubstitutionString | SymTridiagonal | Symbol
| Symmetric | SystemError | TCPSocket
| Task | TestSetException | Text
| TextDisplay | Time | TimePeriod
| TimeType | TimeZone | Timer
| Transpose | Tridiagonal | Tuple
| Type | TypeError | TypeVar
| UDPSocket | UInt | UInt128
| UInt16 | UInt32 | UInt64
| UInt8 | UTC | UUID
| UndefInitializer | UndefKeywordError | UndefRefError
| UndefVarError | UniformScaling | Union
| UnionAll | UnitLowerTriangular | UnitRange
| UnitUpperTriangular | Unsigned | UpgradeLevel
| UpperTriangular | Val | Vararg
| VecElement | VecOrMat | Vector
| VersionNumber | WeakKeyDict | WeakRef
| Week | WorkerConfig | WorkerPool
| Year
OPERATORS = / \+ | = | - | \* | \/
| \\ | & | \| | \$ | ~
| \^ | % | ! | >>> | >>
| << | && | \|\| | \+= | -=
| \*= | \/= | \\= | ÷= | %=
| \^= | &= | \|= | \$= | >>>=
| >>= | <<= | == | != | ≠
| <= | ≤ | >= | ≥ | \.
| :: | <: | -> | \? | \.\*
| \.\^ | \.\\ | \.\/ | \\ | <
| > | ÷ | >: | : | ===
| !== | =>
PUNCTUATION = /[\[\]{}\(\),;]/
state :root do
rule %r/\n/, Text
rule %r/[^\S\n]+/, Text
rule %r/#=/, Comment::Multiline, :blockcomment
rule %r/#.*$/, Comment
rule OPERATORS, Operator
rule %r/\\\n/, Text
rule %r/\\/, Text
# functions and macros
rule %r/(function|macro)((?:\s|\\\s)+)/ do
groups Keyword, Name::Function
push :funcname
# types
rule %r/((?:mutable )?struct|(?:abstract|primitive) type)((?:\s|\\\s)+)/ do
groups Keyword, Name::Class
push :typename
rule TYPES, Keyword::Type
# keywords
rule %r/(local|global|const)\b/, Keyword::Declaration
rule KEYWORDS, Keyword
# TODO: end is a builtin when inside of an indexing expression
rule BUILTINS, Name::Builtin
# TODO: symbols
# backticks
rule %r/`.*?`/, Literal::String::Backtick
# chars
rule %r/'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,3}|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}|\\U[a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|[^\\\'\n])'/, Literal::String::Char
# try to match trailing transpose
rule %r/(?<=[.\w)\]])\'+/, Operator
# strings
# TODO: triple quoted string literals
# TODO: Detect string interpolation
rule %r/(?:[IL])"/, Literal::String, :string
rule %r/[E]?"/, Literal::String, :string
# names
rule %r/@[\w.]+/, Name::Decorator
rule %r/(?:[a-zA-Z_\u00A1-\uffff]|[\u1000-\u10ff])(?:[a-zA-Z_0-9\u00A1-\uffff]|[\u1000-\u10ff])*!*/, Name
# numbers
rule %r/(\d+(_\d+)+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+(_\d+)+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?/, Literal::Number::Float
rule %r/(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?/, Literal::Number::Float
rule %r/\d+(_\d+)+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+/, Literal::Number::Float
rule %r/\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+/, Literal::Number::Float
rule %r/0b[01]+(_[01]+)+/, Literal::Number::Bin
rule %r/0b[01]+/, Literal::Number::Bin
rule %r/0o[0-7]+(_[0-7]+)+/, Literal::Number::Oct
rule %r/0o[0-7]+/, Literal::Number::Oct
rule %r/0x[a-fA-F0-9]+(_[a-fA-F0-9]+)+/, Literal::Number::Hex
rule %r/0x[a-fA-F0-9]+/, Literal::Number::Hex
rule %r/\d+(_\d+)+/, Literal::Number::Integer
rule %r/\d+/, Literal::Number::Integer
state :funcname do
rule %r/[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, Name::Function, :pop!
rule %r/\([^\s\w{]{1,2}\)/, Operator, :pop!
rule %r/[^\s\w{]{1,2}/, Operator, :pop!
state :typename do
rule %r/[a-zA-Z_]\w*/, Name::Class, :pop!
state :stringescape do
rule %r/\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|\n|N\{.*?\}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|[0-7]{1,3})/,
state :blockcomment do
rule %r/[^=#]/, Comment::Multiline
rule %r/#=/, Comment::Multiline, :blockcomment
rule %r/\=#/, Comment::Multiline, :pop!
rule %r/[=#]/, Comment::Multiline
state :string do
mixin :stringescape
rule %r/"/, Literal::String, :pop!
rule %r/\\\\|\\"|\\\n/, Literal::String::Escape # included here for raw strings
rule %r/\$(\(\w+\))?[-#0 +]*([0-9]+|[*])?(\.([0-9]+|[*]))?/, Literal::String::Interpol
rule %r/[^\\"$]+/, Literal::String
# quotes, dollar signs, and backslashes must be parsed one at a time
rule %r/["\\]/, Literal::String
# unhandled string formatting sign
rule %r/\$/, Literal::String