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ReclaimFutures 2020 Proposal

Replace sample info between [brackets] with your own!

Format*: [Talk / Workshop / Video-essay / Performance / Artwork / etc...]
Full name*: []
Pronouns*: []
Location: []
Email Address*: []
Social media links (please specify platform): [twitter: @janedoe]
Personal website(s): [] I consent to being on the livestream*: [Yes - video and audio / Yes - audio only / No]
I consent to my livestream content to be publicly archived*: [Yes / No]*

*Note: All content supplied for the conference remains 100% your own property and your consent may be revoked at any time.

About You


[Please tell us about your work, your background, what communities do you identify yourself as being a part of and why is this important in the work you do, the projects you've contributed to and your interests. Feel free to include relevant links, open source projects, place of work, etc. Maximum 200 words]

Profile Picture

[Link to bio picture, e.g. https://profile-picture.jpg you may use or an abstract or obscurred photo if you feel more comfortable.]

Note: Format for bio picture should be PNG/JPG/GIF, 256x256px.

Your Talk / Workshop / Artwork / Performance


[Use a preliminary title if still WIP]


[For talks and workshops: Please descibe the talk including the context/background, overall message you wish to share, Maximum 300 words]
[For artworks and performances: Please descibe the piece including the context/background, visual or sonic style, overall message you wish to share etc. Maximum 300 words]

Length: [eg. 20 minutes for my presentation with 10 minutes for Q+A]

Please adhere to these guidelines:
Talks: 15 - 30 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.
Workshops: 1h - 4hrs. Music, dance or art performance: up to 90 minutes.
Artwork: 5min - 45mins

Workshop/talk/performance/artwork requirements (fill as applicable)

Technical requirements: [] Maximum number of attendees: [] Full list of materials or technical requirements for attendees: []

[If you wish, link us to anything else relevant to your work, like slide decks, code samples, videos, PDF portfolios etc.]

/label ~"rf2020"